Encountering an XDMP-ARGTYPE Error when I try to access the Configuration Manager
19 March 2015 06:19 PM


Some customers have reported problems when attempting to access the Configuration Manager application. In the past, this has been attributed to part of the upgrade process failing for some reason (for example: a port required by MarkLogic already being used) or in some cases it was due to a default databases being removed by the customer at some previous stage.


If you see this error when you attempt to access the Configuration Manager:

500 Internal Server Error XDMP-ARGTYPE XDMP-ARGTYPE: (err:XPTY0004) fn:concat( "could not initialize management plugins with scope: ", $reut:PLUGIN-SCOPE, ": ", xdmp:quote($e)) -- arg1 is not of type xs:anyAtomicType?

Resolving the error

Ensure you have an Extensions database configured by doing the following:

  • Log into the MarkLogic Admin interface on port 8001 - http://[your-host]:8001/
  • Under "Databases" box, ensure a database called Extensions is listed

If it does not exist, download and run the script attached to this article (create-extensions-db.xqy).

 create-extensions-db.xqy (1.96 KB)
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