How do I find a list of all the AMIs for all regions on AWS/EC2
26 April 2016 02:03 PM


In Amazon Web Services, AMIs have unique ids based on their region. There will be many cases when you want to use multiple regions (for example: maintenance of two clusters in separate geographical regions). Below isĀ an example of how to find the list of current AMIs.

Log in to Amazon Web Services

Example image showing the AWS Login Page

Find your MarkLogic instance on Amazon AWS Marketplace

Example image showing the MarkLogic 8 HVM in Amazon's Marketplace

For example:

Click continue

Example Continue button

View the table

Choose the version of MarkLogic Server that you're planning to use from the version dropdown.

Image of a table showing all AMI IDs available for this item in the AWS Marketplace

You will see a table containing a list of all current regions and the corresponding AMI ID for our instances for each available region.

Further reading

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