Knowledgebase: MarkLogic Server
Understanding slow 'journal frame' entries in the ErrorLog
29 August 2018 09:04 AM


Slow journal frame log entries will be logged at Warning level in your ErrorLog file and will mention something like this:

.....journal frame took 28158 ms to journal...


2016-11-17 18:38:28.476 Warning: forest Documents journal frame took 28152 ms to journal (sem=0 disk=28152 ja=0 dbrep=0 ld=0): {{fsn=121519836, chksum=0xd79a4bd0, words=33}, op=commit, time=1479425880, mfor=18383617934651757356, mtim=14445621353792290, mfsn=121519625, fmcl=16964678471847070106, fmf=18383617934651757356, fmt=14445621353792290, fmfsn=121519625, sk=10604213488372914348, pfo=116961308}

2016-11-17 18:38:28.482 Warning: forest Documents journal frame took 26308 ms to journal (sem=0 disk=26308 ja=0 dbrep=0 ld=0): {{fsn=113883463, chksum=0x10b1bd40, words=23}, op=fastQueryTimestamp, time=1479425882, mfor=959797732298875593, mtim=14701896887337160, mfsn=113882912, fmcl=16964678471847070106, fmf=959797732298875593, fmt=14701896887337160, fmfsn=113882912, sk=4596785426549375418, pfo=54687472}

2016-11-17 18:38:28.482 Warning: forest Documents journal frame took 28155 ms to journal (sem=0 disk=28155 ja=0 dbrep=0 ld=0):{{fsn=121740077, chksum=0xfd950360, words=31}, op=prepare, time=1479425880, mfor=10258363344370988969, mtim=14784083780681960, mfsn=121740077,fmcl=16964678471847070106, fmf=10258363344370988969, fmt=14784083780681960, fmfsn=121740077, sk=12062047643091825183, pfo=14672600}

Understanding the messages in further detail

These messages give you further hints on what is causing the delay; in most cases, you would probably want to involve the MarkLogic Support team in diagnosing the root cause of the problem although the table below should help with further interpretation of cause of these messages:

Item Description
sem time waiting on semaphore
disk time waiting on disk
ja time waiting if journal archive is lagged
dbrep time waiting if DR replication is lagged
ld time waiting to replicate the journal frame to a HA replica
fsn frame sequence number
chksum frame checksum
words length in words of the frame
op the type of frame
time UNIX time
mfor ID of master forest (if replica)
mtim when master became master
mfsn master forest fsn
fmcl foreign master cluster id
fmf foreign master forest id
fmt when foreign master became HA master
fmfsn foreign master fsn
sk sequence key (frame unique id)
pfo previous frame offset

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