Knowledgebase: Performance Tuning
How do I read and interpret QConsole profile output?
19 March 2015 06:32 PM


This article is intended to give you enough information to enable you to understand the output from query console's profiler.



Consider the following XQuery:

xquery version '1.0-ml';
let $path := '/Users/chamlin/Downloads/medsamp2012.xml'
let $citations := xdmp:document-get($path)//MedlineCitation
for $citation at $i in $citations
xdmp:document-insert(fn:concat("/",$i,$citation/PMID/fn:string(),".xml"), $citation)

This FLWOR expression will load an xml file into memory, then find each MedlineCitation element and insert it as a document in the database.  Although this example is very simple, it should give us enough information to understand what the profiler does and how to understand the output.

Scenario / Walkthrough


  • Download the small dataset for medline at and save it to your MarkLogic machine
  • Open a buffer in Query Console
  • Load the XML fragments into your nominated database by executing the XQuery shown above, altering $path so it points to your downloaded medsamp2012.xml file
  • You should have loaded 156 Medline XML fragments in your database if everything worked correctly.  If you receive an error, make sure that the file is available to MarkLogic and has the correct permissions to allow access

Profile the query

Now run the same query again, only this time, ensure "Profile" is selected before you hit the run button.

You should see something like this (click image to view it in a separate window):

QConsole profiler output


The header shows overall statistics for the query:

Profile 627 Expressions PT0.286939S
The number of XQuery expression evaluations along with the entire query execution expressed as an xs:dayTimeDuration (hence the PT prefix)

The table shows the profiler results for the expressions evaluated in the request, one row for each expression:

Module:Line No.:Col No.
The point in the code where the expression can be found.
The number of times the expression was evaluated.
Shallow %
The percentage of time spent evaluating a particular expression compared to the entire query, excluding any time spent evaluating any sub-expressions.
Shallow µs
The time (in microseconds) taken for all the evaluations of a particular expression. This excludes time spent evaluating any sub-expressions.
Deep %
The percentage of time spent evaluating a particular expression compared to the entire query, including any time spent evaluating any sub-expressions.
Deep µs
The time (in microseconds) taken for all the evaluations of a particular expression. This includes time spent evaluating any sub-expressions.
The particular XQuery expression being profiled and timed.  Expressions can represent FLWOR expressions, literal values, arithmetic operations, functions, function calls, and other expressions.

Shallow time vs deep time

In profiler output you will usually want to pay the most attention to expressions that have a large shallow time.  These expressions are doing the most work, exclusive of work done in sub-expressions.

If an expression has a very large deep time, but almost no shallow time, then most of the time is being spent in sub-expressions.

For example, in the profiler output shown, the FLWOR expression at .main:2:0 has the most deep time since it has includes the other expressions, but not a lot of shallow time since it doesn't do much work itself. The expression at .main:3:45 has a lot of deep time, but that all comes from the subexpression at .main:3:18, which takes the most time.


The default sorting of the table is by Shallow % descending.  This a generally a good view as it will bring the expressions taking the most shallow time to the top.  You can sort on a different column by clicking on the column header.

Cold vs warm

Timings may change for a query if you execute it more than once, due to the caching performed by MarkLogic.  A query will be slower if it needs data that is not available in the caches (cold) vs where much of the information is available from caches (warm).  This is by design and gives better performance as the system runs and caches frequently used information.

Lazy evaluation

Another characteristic of MarkLogic Server is its use of lazy evaluation.  A relatively expensive evaluation may return quickly without performing the work necessary to produce results.  Then, when the results are needed, the work will actually be performed and the evaluation time will be assigned at that point.  This can give surprising results.

Wrapping an expression in xdmp:eager() will evaluate it eagerly, giving a better idea of how much time it really takes because the time for evaluation will be better allocated in the profiler output.

Further reading

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