Knowledgebase: MarkLogic Server
Tips and Hints for Debugging Module Resolution in MarkLogic
31 March 2015 01:20 PM


XQuery modules can be imported from other XQuery modules in MarkLogic Server. This article describes how modules are resolved in MarkLogic when they are imported in Xquery.


How modules are imported in code

Modules can be imported by using two approaches-

--by providing relative path

import module namespace m = "" at "example.xqy";

--Or by absolute path

import module namespace m = "" at "/example.xqy";


How MarkLogic resolves the path and loads the module

If something starts with a slash, it is a non-relative path and MarkLogic take it as is, if it doesn't, it is a relative path and first it is resolved  relative to the URI of the current module to obtain a non-relative path. 
Path in hand, MarkLogic always start by looking in the Modules directory. This is a security issue as we want to make sure that the MarkLogic created modules are the ones chosen. In general, users should NOT be putting their modules there. It creates issues on upgrade and if they open up permissions on the directory to ease deployment it creates a security hole. 
Then, depending on whether the appserver is configured to use a modules database or the filesystem, we interpret the non-relative path in terms of the appserver root either on the file system or in the Modules database. 


Debugging module path issue

To Debug this you can also enable Module caching trace. This will check  how it resolves the paths. Enter "module" as the name of the event in the Diagnostics>Events and you should have a list of module caching events added. These will give you the working details of how module resolution is happening, and should provide enough information to resolve the issue.

Be aware that diagnostic traces can fill up your ErrorLog.txt file very fast, so be sure to turn them off as soon when you no longer need them.


Performance Hints

1. Be sure that your code does not rely on dynamically-created modules. Although these may be convenient at times, they will make overall performance suffer. This is because every time a module changes, the internal modules cache is invalidated and must be re-loaded from scratch -- which will tend to hurt performance.

2. if you are noticing a lot of XDMP-DEADLOCK messages in your log, be sure your modules are not mixing any update statements within what should be a read-only query. The XQuery parser looks for updates anywhere in the modules stack -- including imports -- and if it finds one, it assumes that any Uri that is gathered by the queries might potentially be updated. Thus, if the query matches 10 Uris, it will put a write lock on them, and if it matches 100000 Uris, it will lock all of them as well, and performance will suffer. To prevent this, be sure to isolate updates in their own transactions via xdmp:eval() or xdmp:spawn().



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