20 May 2020 01:32 AM


XDMP-CANCELED indicates that a query or operation was cancelled either explicitly or as a result of a system event. XDMP-EXTIME also indicates that a query or operation was cancelled, but the reason for the cancellation is the result of the elapsed processing time exceeding a timeout setting.

XDMP-CANCELED:  Canceled request

The XDMP-CANCELED error message usually indicates that an operation such as a merge, backup or query was explicitly canceled. The message includes information about what operation was canceled. Cancellation may occur through the Admin Interface or by calling an explicit cancellation function, such as xdmp:request-cancel().

An XDMP-CANCELED error message can also occur when a client breaks the network socket connection to the server while a query is running (i.e. if the client abandons the request), resulting in the query being canceled.


XDMP-CANCELED exception will not be caught in a try/catch block.

XDMP-EXTIME: Time limit exceeded

An XDMP-EXTIME error will occur if a query or other operation exceeded its processing time limit. Surrounding messages in the ErrorLog.txt file may pinpoint the operation which timed out.

Inefficient Queries

If the cause of the timeout is an inefficient or incorrect query, you should tune the query. This may involve tuning your query to minimize the amount of filtering required. Tuning queries in MarkLogic often includes maintaining the proper indexes for the database so that the queries can be resolved during the index resolution phase of query evaluation. If a query requires filtering of many documents, then the performance will be adversely affected. To learn more about query evaluation, refer to Section 2.1 'Understanding the Search Process' of the MarkLogic Server's Query Performance and Tuning Guide available in our documentation at  

MarkLogic has tools that can be used to help evaluate the characteristic of your queries. The best way to analyze a single query is to instrument the query with query trace, query meters and query profiling API calls: Query trace can be used to determine if the queries are resolvable in the index, or if filtering is involved;  Query meters gives statistics from a query execution; and Query profiling will provide information regarding how long each statement in your query took. Information regarding these APIs are available in the Query Performance and Tuning Guide

The Query Console makes it easy to profile a query in order to view sub-statement execution times. Once you have identified the poor performing statements, you can focus on optimizing that part of the code.

Inadequate Processing Limit

If the cause of the timeout is an inadequate processing limit, you may be able to configure a more generous limit through the Admin Interface. 

A common setting which can contribute to the XDMP-EXTIME error message is the 'default time limit' setting for an Application Server or the Task Server.  An alternative to increasing the 'default time limit' is to use xdmp:set-request-time-limit() within your query.  Note that neither the 'default time limit' nor the request time limit can be larger than the "max time limit".

Resource Bottlenecks

If the cause of the timeout is the result of a resource bottleneck where the query or operation was not being serviced adequately, you will need to tune your system to eliminate the resource bottleneck. MarkLogic recommends that all systems where MarkLogic Server is installed should monitor the resource usage of its system components (i.e. CPU, memory, I/O, swap, network, ...) so that resource bottlenecks can easily be detected.


XDMP-EXTIME can be caught in a try/catch block.

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