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今回は、MarkLogicの「データ統合名人」の1人であり、これまでに大規模データ統合プロジェクトを6つ手がけているPuneet Rawal(MarkLogic社主席セールスエンジニア)がデータ統合の最近のトレンドに関する知見を共有してくれました。MarkLogic

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今回は、MarkLogicの「データ統合名人」の1人であり、これまでに大規模データ統合プロジェクトを6つ手がけているPuneet Rawal(MarkLogic社主席セールスエンジニア)がデータ統合の最近のトレンドに関する知見を共有してくれました。MarkLogic

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Puneet RawalCompanies large and small are looking for quick, flexible and safe solutions to integrate their data. Many are now turning to microservices and containers to help them achieve data governance.

As one of Marklogic’s “Data Integration Wizards” involved in six large-scale data integration projects, Puneet Rawal, a Principal Sales Engineer at MarkLogic, has some great insights to share about the latest trends in data integration. I had a chance to sit with him as he prepared his talks for

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Microservices, Persistence: Benefits and Risks
Posted by Paul Hoehne on 20 February 2015 09:18 AM

There’s a growing interest in Microservices and Martin Fowler describes how microservice architecture is a particular way of “designing software applications as suites of independently deployable services.”

The promise of microservices is it allows you to continuously increase the capabilities of your public site, or internal systems, by rolling out small, defined bits of functionality on a regular basis. That’s in contrast with making changes in large monolithic applications where a

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Microservices, Persistence: Benefits and Risks
Posted by Paul Hoehne on 19 February 2015 02:30 PM

There’s a growing interest in Microservices and Martin Fowler describes how microservice architecture is a particular way of “designing software applications as suites of independently deployable services.”

The promise of microservices is it allows you to continuously increase the capabilities of your public site, or internal systems, by rolling out small, defined bits of functionality on a regular basis. That’s in contrast with making changes in large monolithic applications where a

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