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MarkLogic from a Relational Perspective: Part 4
Posted by David Kaaret on 20 January 2020 08:00 AM
The Right Partner for Your Data Journey

This is the fourth in a series of blogs for people coming from a relational background, to help you understand the differences in how MarkLogic handles data integration and access.

TL/DR: Building the best solutions requires both the right technology and the right support. With MarkLogic, you benefit from a full assortment of capabilities, tools and experience that you need to succeed with complex data-integration projects.

The data technology

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MarkLogic from a Relational Perspective: Part 2
Posted by David Kaaret on 20 January 2020 08:00 AM
Data Modeling – From Relational to MarkLogic

This is the second in a series of blogs for people coming from a relational background, to help you understand the differences in how MarkLogic handles data integration and access.


  • Data modeling in MarkLogic is an iterative process that focuses on meeting specific project goals for user data access, versus the relational approach that requires significant upfront data modeling and ETL.
  • With MarkLogic, best practice is to maintain data as

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Build a Geospatial Data Hub with the MarkLogic Esri Connector
Posted by Mari Botha on 16 January 2020 10:00 AM

Many enterprises and government agencies need to combine location data with other critical data assets to drive important business decisions. Esri is a global leader in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and with their ArcGIS® geospatial platform, they offer a wide range of GIS capabilities to build analytical intelligence and enable these decisions. Combining Esri’s best-of-breed geospatial capabilities with the MarkLogic Data Hub platform allows organizations to analyze and

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MarkLogic データハブフレームワークを利用してどのようにしてデータ統合を素早く柔軟性を持って実施するかを、本記事と次回の二回に分けご紹介します。
* データハブフレームワークの利用方法については必要に応じて下記ドキュメントもご参照ください(日本語版のドキュメントは5.0のものになります)。


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