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A Look at the Horizon of AI in Government
Posted by Brigham Bechtel on 06 November 2019 03:55 PM

There is currently a race among nations and governments to become the global leader in artificial-intelligence (AI) technology, which can and will have meaningful consequences to national security—economic, financial and political. To win, the US must continually iterate and innovate beyond the minimally viable solution to develop more advanced technology.

AI makes it possible for simple but massively time-consuming tasks to be automated, allowing those resources to be reallocated where

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Chicken Soup for the Event-Driven Soul
Posted by Stuart Moorhouse on 04 November 2019 08:00 AM

The title of the blog had been so appealing: “No More Silos: How to Integrate Your Databases with Apache Kafka and CDC“—but then I got hit with a power question:

Why introduce a database into an architecture if we could use a streaming platform such as Kafka instead?”

Because, as a Solution Architect at MarkLogic, I have to say I’m quite partial to adding databases into architectures. And, the blog had already raised some very good points, like this one:

It’s important to challenge

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In the first of a three-part blog series, we will discuss how the expanding impact of legislative initiatives on both financial institutions and regulatory bodies are creating new requirements for a more integrated data strategy.

The new era of digital regulation is here. Despite a decade-long trend of expanding and increasingly complex regulatory requirements, the data integration capabilities of regulators and institutions remain surprisingly unprepared for the demands of these new

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Berlin IOT: Industrialize Your Data Takes Center Stage
Posted by Matt Turner on 30 October 2019 01:53 PM

At the Industry of Things World event in Berlin in September, leaders from across the industrial world came together to talk about the broad impact of the digitization of manufacturing. Many of the talks covered the overall industry transformation, with changes in product design and process and, of course, sensors and sensor data to improve efficiency and quality.

Some examples included:

  • Dr. Roland Busch, Deputy CEO of Siemens – Dr. Busch talked about the opportunities for the industry

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