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Faster R&D in the Pharma Industry through Re-Use of Critical Data
Posted by Duncan Grant on 16 September 2019 02:05 PM

This blog is the fourth of a four-part series that explores the importance of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles for pharmaceutical companies looking for a data platform to tackle their most critical business problems.

FAIR Data Principles for Pharmas: Re-Usable

Re-use of data is important, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry where things such as experiment data, research findings and publications could be highly important at indeterminate points in

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Apache Nifi入門:RDBMSからMarkLogicへの移行
Posted by Takuya Furukawa on 12 September 2019 11:53 PM

リレーショナルデータベースからMarkLogicにデータを移行する際、MarkLogic Content Pump (MLCP)の利用時に、元データのCSVダンプや、元データを加工するためのコーディングが必要となります。Apache

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Northern Trust: Bridging the Chasm for Innovation Adoption with MarkLogic
Posted by Ed Downs on 04 September 2019 08:00 AM

When innovative financial services firm, Northern Trust, was planning its digital transformation strategy, it discovered that the right technology was only part of the puzzle.

The 130-year-old organization needed a holistic, secure technology platform that could make sense of its diverse data sets and the complex relationships between them. It required search and semantic capabilities that made data easier to uncover, link and understand.

But to be successful, it also needed a plan and

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How the Pharma Research Hub Accelerates R&D Processes
Posted by Fiona Ehret-Kayser on 03 September 2019 01:51 PM

For pharmaceutical companies, the discovery of new molecules and the cost of developing a successful medicine can take over a decade and cost billions of dollars—slowing drugs from getting to the patients who need them and resulting in abandonment of drug trials when faced with potential failure. In this climate, even small improvements to streamline R&D processes can lead to substantially higher revenue and lower costs.

Powered by the MarkLogic database, the Pharma Research Hub (the Hub) is

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This blog is the third of a four-part series that explores the importance of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles for pharmaceutical companies looking for a data platform to tackle their most critical business problems.

FAIR Data Principles for Pharmas: Interoperable

Data is interoperable when it can be integrated with other data sources and when other applications can easily interface with it. In the pharmaceutical industry, MarkLogic has successfully been used for

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