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エンベロープ デザインパターンとは?
Posted by Damon Feldman on 24 July 2019 11:43 AM
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※本記事は2019年6月28日にGlobal Banking & Finance Reviewに掲載されたジャイルズ・ネルソン博士(MarkLogic社金融サービス担当CTO)のブログの翻訳版です。


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Reduce costs. Catch fraudsters. Improve the customer journey. Collect more data. Boost cross-selling. The list goes on, and claims managers must often find themselves wondering how to meet the challenges that their boards hand to them.

Customer expectations are being re-shaped in the digital era, and ease of engagement is becoming the new norm. The standards are being set by the likes of Amazon, Netflix, fast-food delivery services and, increasingly, by InsurTech disruptors nibbling away

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2019 GEOInt Recap with Brigham Bechtel
Posted by Jerried Williams on 09 July 2019 08:00 AM

Recently our Chief Strategy Officer for Public Sector, Brigham Bechtel, attended the 2019 GEOInt Symposium in San Antonio, Texas. It was an exciting event attended by professionals across industries, academia and government.

Prior to attending GEOInt, we sat down with Brigham to see what he was looking forward to this year and included his comments in our GEOInt Preshow Blog. In this blog, we’re circling back with Brigham to hear his key takeaways from attending.

Robert Sharp, Director
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Streaming Data into MarkLogic with the Kafka-MarkLogic Connector
Posted by Phil Barber on 08 July 2019 02:57 PM
Why use Kafka with MarkLogic?

The amount of data flowing into and between systems continues to grow every day. With these ever-increasing volumes of data, system integrators are turning to tools like Apache Kafka to provide a central routing service for streaming that data. One of the primary consumers of the data are databases like MarkLogic.

However, in order to subscribe to the Kafka topics, retrieve the message, and subsequently load them into a MarkLogic database, we need an efficient

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