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Posted by Nicole Roseveare on 10 May 2019 05:14 PM
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MarkLogic® Data Hub Service – Stop Working for Your Data and Get Your Data to Work for You
Posted by Gayathri Pandurangan & Pranav Rao on 10 May 2019 05:13 PM
The Elusive Insight

Here we are, jumping through hoops and fire, giving it our mighty best to find that elusive insight, in the hope that our phalanges flying across these keys dance in tune to the symphony of a seemingly vestigial cranial organ, with an orchestra of dying cells that are best augmented with our digital creations, their clinical precision and their brutal compute strategically supplemented only by well-positioned human deficiencies in fathoming the insurmountable volumes of data

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AIRBUS Improves Flight Testing Efficiency with ODH
Posted by Nicole Roseveare on 10 May 2019 12:18 AM

In the competitive world of aircraft manufacturing, AIRBUS is using its data to optimize flight test campaigns and improve test analysis.

New aircraft certification takes months to complete, and flight tests are essential to that process. Test flights discover maturity gaps and check airworthiness requirements, with the ultimate objective of obtaining the aircraft certification that is mandatory to operate. In conjunction with its customers, AIRBUS is working to shorten these cycles

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Come to MarkLogic World 2019 in Washington D.C. to hear Valerie Noble’s firsthand account of how LLNL is using MarkLogic to support its mission to use applied science and technology to make the world a safer place.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) understands the challenges of aggregating large amounts of data across multiple sources.

With sponsor expectations for more formal project and information management, the program is now required to demonstrate end-to-end traceability

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The insurance world is changing rapidly and business opportunities present themselves frequently for a company like Great American Insurance Group (GAIG). To take advantage of these opportunities, however, the company had to fine-tune its IT infrastructure in its property and casualty (P&C) operations and democratize the tools it needed to run its core operations.

That requires efficient onboarding. GAIG is bringing MarkLogic® to operations across its P&C organization with

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