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Introducing MarkLogic Data Hub Central
Posted by Ankur Jain on 20 July 2020 10:30 AM

Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of MarkLogic Data Hub Central, our new UI for integrating and managing data using MarkLogic Data Hub. The new UI makes it extremely simple to curate, explore, and share consistent and fit-for-purpose data.

Data Hub Central is available out-of-the-box with MarkLogic Data Hub Software and will soon also be available on MarkLogic Data Hub Service, a leading enterprise cloud data hub. To get started with Data Hub Central standard

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What You’ll Learn at MarkLogic World 2020
Posted by Alicia Saia on 06 July 2020 01:36 PM

We’ve been quite busy here at MarkLogic getting ready for our first-ever “virtual” MarkLogic World. From preparing our own product presentations to working with customers and partners on telling their stories – and of course managing the overall event logistics and communications – it seems the better part of the company is involved.

Truth be told, that’s not much different from our usual routine each year. This is now the eighth MarkLogic World I’ve worked on, and I’m feeling the

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data hub explorer

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When using a MarkLogic Data Hub to tackle tough data integration projects, you can go a long way without the need to write any code at all.

But eventually you’ll need to program the Data Services that unlock the value of your curated data in your MarkLogic Data Hub. And you may even come across a custom requirement during the data curation process that requires you to extend the MarkLogic Data Hub platform by programming a custom mapping function or a custom data curation step for your project.

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Get HR Data Integration Right to Accelerate M&A Value
Posted by Ed Downs on 21 May 2020 09:31 AM

In this post, we examine the importance of HR data integration in meeting performance objectives following a merger or acquisition, and how a leading US health insurer is using a MarkLogic Data Hub to integrate HR data and accelerate the value realized from a recent mega-merger.

M&A fails to deliver at scale

Since 2000, there have been more than 790,000 mergers and acquisition (M&A) transactions announced worldwide, according to the Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA).

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