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Bloor Research Graph Database Market Comparison
Posted by Matt Allen on 18 August 2020 03:46 PM

MarkLogic was named a Champion by Bloor Research in their newly released market comparison report on graph databases.

Bloor states in their associated InBrief that, “In short, if you want to leverage graph, relational and document data together, you should be looking at MarkLogic.” MarkLogic was evaluated against all of the leading graph database vendors. This includes both pure graph databases and other multi-model vendors with built-in graph processing – the category that MarkLogic fits

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Tips for Success From MarkLogic Customers and Partners
Posted by Alicia Saia on 13 August 2020 10:33 AM

Last week we hosted a series of industry breakout sessions featuring the customers and partners who participated in MarkLogic World and the launch of our new MLTV digital content hub. These breakouts included a mix of long-time and newer users, from the Publishing, Financial Services & Insurance, Healthcare & Life Sciences, and Manufacturing industries.

The speakers not only answered questions about their recorded presentations, but also provided a number of practical tips that can help

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An Innovative, Build-It-Yourself Approach to Virtual Events
Posted by Matt Allen on 11 August 2020 06:00 PM

We just launched MLTV, our new digital streaming platform for our content, and we built it ourselves on our own MarkLogic Data Hub Service technology.

Building MLTV wasn’t the initial plan. It was born out of necessity.

Like most companies, we thought we were going to have a traditional in-person event in 2020. As March rolled around and the COVID-19 pandemic became serious, we quickly joined the waves of companies that cancelled their annual in-person events and began developing

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Banque : Les données au service de la conformité bancaire
Posted by Milo Van Boeijen on 28 July 2020 11:15 AM

Aujourd’hui, le contexte de crise financière et sanitaire, les questions de la lutte anti blanchiment et du financement du terrorisme sont responsables d’une inflation réglementaire constante. Elle impose aux banques et établissements financiers une bonne gestion de la « compliance » pour gérer les risques : prévention du blanchiment et des fraudes, bonne conduite des activités, protection des données personnelles, législation fiscale, etc. 

Les équipes en charge des mises en conformité doivent

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MarkLogic: Tech for Enabling a Better World
Posted by Ed Downs on 28 July 2020 09:31 AM

MarkLogic offers technology to simplify enterprise data integration. That is what we do (and we do it better than any other company out there).

Why we do it, though, can be found in the use cases and stories of our customers and how they leverage our technology to solve complex data challenges and achieve mission goals. You see, MarkLogic is more than software for integrating enterprise data. It is a platform for enabling a better world.

Here are three ways our customers are using MarkLogic

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