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Datenvernetzung für die Supply Chain in der Pharmaindustrie
Posted by Fiona Ehret-Kayser on 06 March 2019 11:06 PM

Industrie 4.0 revolutioniert die Art und Weise, wie Daten die Produktion und die Abläufe in der Supply Chain auf allen Ebenen und in jeder Branche verändern. In der pharmazeutischen Industrie ist Pharma 4.0 bereits im vollen Gange. Wenn von Industrie 4.0 die Rede ist, ist damit die vierte industrielle Revolution gemeint – ein rasanter Anstieg an Innovationen, der die industrielle Fertigung grundlegend verändert. Die historische Entwicklung der Industrie lässt sich in folgende

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Industry 4.0 and Challenges Manufacturers Face
Posted by Kate Ranta on 28 February 2019 08:00 AM

This is the second in a multi-part blog series that focuses on Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing industry.

Industry 4.0 connects digital and physical technologies—AI, robotics, cloud computing and more—to create more adaptable, responsive and unified enterprises with the ability to make more informed decisions.

This iteration of an industrial revolution brings seemingly endless opportunities as well as seemingly limitless options for technology investments. As manufacturers seek

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Enduring C5ISR Data Hub for Algorithmic Warfare
Posted by Idriss Mekrez on 26 February 2019 08:00 AM

In our previous post, “Innovation for Activity-Based Intelligence,” we introduced Earthcubean innovative startup using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning to revolutionize Activity-Based Intelligence (ABI). While most Algorithmic Warfare capabilities are quarantined to the lab, Earthcube is leveraging MarkLogic® to develop a platform that is able to deploy multiple levels of AI over the same common operating picture to serve a large variety of missions.

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Delivering Data Transparency to Better Serve Millions of Californians
Posted by Nicole Roseveare on 14 February 2019 12:19 PM

The California Health & Human Services (CHHS) oversees 16 departments and offices that provide a wide range of services in the areas of health care, mental health, public health, alcohol and drug treatment, income assistance, social services and assistance to people with disabilities. At MarkLogic World last year, I had the pleasure of hearing CHHS Secretary, Mike Wilkening; CHHS’s CA Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) Chief Deputy Director, Marta Green; and CHHS’s Office of

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Operational Data Hub and Service-Oriented Architecture
Posted by Kate Ranta on 12 February 2019 08:00 AM

The Operational Data Hub (ODH) is a newer architecture pattern, so enterprise architects may wonder how it fits in with other technologies and architectural models that they’re already using and/or are familiar with. They may wonder whether an ODH replaces these models or complements them.

A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a good example of just such an architectural model. Let’s explore what SOAs were meant to do and where an ODH can fit into that model.

SOAs serve two

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