Bloor Research Cloud Data Management Platform Comparison
Posted by Matt Allen on 07 December 2020 02:20 PM

MarkLogic was named a Champion by Bloor Research in their newly released market update, (Cloud) Data Management (Platforms).

The report analyzed 13 platform providers, which were evaluated based on the following capabilities: Data movement, data quality, data cataloging, data governance, data privacy, architecture, automation, and platform integration.

MarkLogic is rated as a Champion because it checked the right boxes in all of the categories, and it goes further by providing complementary capabilities mentioned in the report (mastering, data prep, graph support, and more). Not only that, but MarkLogic leads many of the trends mentioned in the report (which is why it is also highly rated for innovation). 

How MarkLogic leads the market

What is noteworthy in the report is how MarkLogic leads the trends that Bloor sees in the market. Here are a few noteworthy examples:

Move to embrace the cloud

In the broad move to the cloud, certain cloud-native capabilities are highlighted as particularly valuable: serverless capabilities, elastic scaling of resources, and consumption-based pricing — all capabilities that MarkLogic has. Of these, MarkLogic is unique among competitors by providing independent scaling of resources (analytic workloads can scale separate from operational ones) and the ability to keep cloud costs low and predictable with free bursting and cloud credits banked in reserve.

Data integration

Bloor identified an important trend that we made a large bet on, which is the increasing importance of making data integration a central, integrated part of any cloud data management strategy. 

Compared to legacy approaches that separate out ETL and data warehousing, MarkLogic combines the two in an agile, model-driven approach in a data hub. According to Bloor:

A [model-driven approach] has significant benefits over both ETL and ELT, not least because it prevents the data flow proliferation that is commonplace with traditional tools.

Platform integration

Bloor points out the increasing importance of integration and looks at it from two perspectives — “integration across the products in the data management platform” and “integration with the outside world” (i.e. interoperability). 

Compared to other companies in the report that may have multiple different products coupled together to achieve “platform” status, MarkLogic is unique in having a single unified platform that we’ve spent decades building to ensure it works as a whole, not a “mere collection of parts.” Similarly, MarkLogic also supports open APIs and connectors to ensure that, especially in a cloud ecosystem, MarkLogic fits easily into standards-based open cloud architectures.

Metadata and knowledge graphs

Since launching our semantic graph capability over seven years ago, MarkLogic customers have increasingly relied on it as a secret weapon for managing metadata and supporting data governance and intelligence. Other vendors have since agreed and are now adding graph capabilities, though MarkLogic maintains a significant advantage in this area. This capability is covered in more depth in Bloor’s associated Graph Database Market Comparison.

Download the report

When you download the comparison report, you will gain a better understanding of the market for cloud data platforms. And, you will also get access to a Bloor InBrief that provides additional detail on MarkLogic and its scores.

Click here to get a copy of Bloor’s comparison report and associated InBrief.

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