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Three Top Requirements for Cloud Migration Success
Posted by David Gorbet on 16 September 2020 04:53 PM

If there’s one overarching learning COVID-19 has taught IT leaders, it’s that businesses need flexible IT infrastructure that is adaptable to constant or rapid change. Many find that synonymous with a cloud infrastructure. But there are a lot of components to think about when considering how – and on which platform – to move your data to the cloud. Increased complexity, a plethora of cloud services to choose from, and countless vendors claiming to be the best way to enable your

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Posted by Ed Downs on 08 September 2020 04:34 AM
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Posted by Ankur Jain on 01 September 2020 08:48 AM


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Transforming Data into Knowledge with Semantics
Posted by Ed Downs on 01 September 2020 08:33 AM

A few weeks ago, I listened to the MLW20 manufacturing industry breakout session and was fascinated by the discussion around the optimal data integration processes for developing and industrializing knowledge in an enterprise. In other words, the process for transforming data into knowledge.

Every speaker, from organizations that included DuPont, U.S. AFRL, Eaton, and Chevron, spoke to the common key ingredient for making this systematically possible at an enterprise level: Semantic

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MarkLogic: より良い世界を実現するテクノロジー
Posted by Ed Downs on 26 August 2020 03:02 PM
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